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Asset Allocation#1921

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Course Description

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A Beacon Hill Course-in-a-Book® – courses based on industry books written specifically for financial advisors.

This course is based on the book Asset Allocation: Balancing Financial Risk, (4th Edition) by Roger Gibson, CFA, CFP® (the price of the course includes the book, which is mailed to you along with the exam materials).

In the new fourth edition (publ. 1/2008), Roger C. Gibson compiles new data that strengthen the case for the multiple-asset-class investing strategy that he has advocated since his landmark work was first published in 1990. Gibson's work unites theory and practice, the art and the science of asset allocation.

This book is written specifically for financial advisors. Learn how to apply historically tested asset allocation principles in your practice as outlined in this widely read book. Gibson explains how to design a long-term portfolio that actually has the potential to outperform its parts– while minimizing overall risks–no matter what the market environment.

Course and Credit Information
Course text: Asset Allocation: Balancing Financial Risk, (hardcover, 4th Edition) by Roger Gibson, CFA, CFP® (366 pages).
Note: If you already own the book, you can buy the exam materials only: click on the course-image at the bottom of this page.

Exam and Grading: Included with course. Take the exam using the e-Exam interactive PDF form for instant online grading and certificate (can also be faxed in). See instructions included with course.
CFP® credits reported automatically.

Program delivery method: Self-study–print only (the course includes a hardcover book and exam materals. Although the book must be mailed to you, the exam can be taken online).

Program level: Overview; Course prerequisites: Basic familiarity with investments; Advance preparation: None.

Subject Codes/Fields of Study: CFP Board, NAPFA: Investments. NAPFA members: Download a course credit-by-subject chart from our Resources page.

Credit Information: CFP®,and PACE credit available in all states.

Course-sponsor number: CFP Board: 1008.

How to Order
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