Shop Courses > What Advisors Should Know About The Psychology of Investing

What Advisors Should Know About The Psychology of Investing#1936

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Course Description

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This is a Beacon Hill Course-in-a-Book™ –self-study CE courses that are based on popular industry books written specifically for financial advisors.

This course is based on the book The Psychology of Investing by John R. Nofsinger.

The Psychology of Investing is the first text of its kind to delve into the fascinating subject of how psychology affects investing. Its unique coverage describes how investors actually behave, the reasons and causes of that behavior, why the behavior hurts their wealth, and what they can do about it. Traditional finance has focused on developing the tools which investors can use to optimize expected return and risk-understanding the psychology of investing will complement the material covered in traditional investments text.

Course Information
Open link (above) to view Course Details, Learning Objectives, and Table of Contents.
Course Text:
The Psychology of Investing (fifth edition,Pearson, 2014))
Course-in-a-Book™ courses include a hardcopy book, study guide, and an online exam.
If you already own the book, you may purchase just the online exam.

Field of Study: Investment Planning
Program Level of Complexity: Overview
This course is registered with the CFP Board ( (Course ID #195652).