Shop Courses > Having the Money Talk with Clients

Having the Money Talk with Clients#195116

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Course Description

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This is a Beacon Hill Course-in-a-Book™ –self-study CE courses that are based on popular industry books written specifically for financial advisors.

Having the "Money Talk" with Clients provides advisors with the tools to help families communicate about money matters through all of life's transitions–changes in financial circumstances, remarriage and merging families, retirement, preparing heirs, and transferring wealth.

Course Information
Open link (above) to view Course Details, Learning Objectives, and Table of Contents.
Course Text:
The Money Talk Every Family Needs to Have About Wealth and Their Financial Future
by Lori R. Sackler, CFP® with Todd Gutner (238 pages, 2013, McGraw-Hill).

Course-in-a-Book™ courses include a hardcopy book, study guide, and an online exam.
If you already own the book (or e-Book), you may purchase just the online exam.
The e-Book version of The Money Talk is available for this course from the publisher, McGraw-Hill Professional (ISBN 0071799842).

Field of Study: Financial Planning, (NAPFA: Client Communications)
Program Level of Complexity: Overview
This course is registered with the CFP Board (Course ID #222011).