Shop Courses > Advising Couples

Advising Couples#194719

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Course Description

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This is a Beacon Hill Course-in-a-Book™ title: A self-study CE course that is based on an industry book that is popular with financial professionals.

NOTE: The hardcopy version of the book for this course, How to Give Financial Advice to Couples by Kathleen Burns Kingsbury is currently unavailable. However, you may purchase the Kindle edition (or a used copy of the harcover book) from Amazon and the Exam-only from us (below). Also, if you already own the book, you can purchase just the online exam. To purchase, select the "Online Exam ONLY (You Have the Book)" purchase option below.

(Also open the above link: Course Details, Learning Objectives, and Table of Contents.)
This course and exam are based on the book How to Give Financial Advice to Couples by Kathleen Burns Kingsbury (2014, McGraw-Hill).

Advising Couples covers the financial planning challenges that are of particular concern to traditional and nontraditional couples. The course is a study in the psychology of couples and it provides insight and tools for navigating the unique dynamics of two people planning for their financial future. The discussion includes techniques for facilitating financial conversations, mediating differences, and avoiding the common planning traps such as subtly siding with one member of the couple, failing to plan adequately with both partners, and sidestepping difficult financial conversations for fear of upsetting the wealth creator.

Field of Study: Financial Planning
Program Level of Complexity: Overview
This course is registered with the CFP Board ( (Course ID #195657).