Shop Courses > Life Planning Integrating Client Values and Dreams with the Financial Planning Process

Life Planning Integrating Client Values and Dreams with the Financial Planning Process#1941

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Course Description

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This is a Beacon Hill Course-in-a-Book® –CE courses based on popular industry books written specifically for financial advisors.

NOTE: This course will be discontinued as of January 1, 2016. If you wish to receive CFP Board credits for this course, you must sucessfully complete the exam by December 31, 2015.

Life Planning: Integrating Client Values and Dreams with the Financial Planning Processg, based on the book Lighting the Torch: The Kinder Method (TM) of Life Planning, empowers planners with the processes for connecting a client's dreams of freedom with the strategies of financial planning that include money, investments, net worth and cash flow. The course provides advisors with a skill set that can provide a consistent and successful process with clients, leading to that moment Kinder refers to as 'lighting the torch.'"

Course Information
Open link above to view Table of Contents and Learning Objectives.
Program Delivery Method: Self-study
Author: George D. Kinder, CFP® and Susan E. Galvan
Course Text: Lighting the Torch: The Kinder Method (TM) of Life Planning
This course includes a printed book and study guide, which we mail to you
If you already own the book, you may purchase the study guide exam only.
Choose "Exam Only" below
Course Exam: Included in price (including retakes)
Exam questions are online and may be printed
A copy of the exam questions is included with all print (mailed) courses
Taking Exam: Take exam online from your "My Courses" page
Exam may be started, stopped, & resumed
Results and certificate available immediately
Subject Codes/Fields of Study: Coommunication
(NAPFA: Counseling and Communications)
Program Level of Complexity: Overview
Course Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None

CE Credit Information
This course is registered with the CFP Board (Course ID #195654)
CFP® CE credit available in all states

Program Sponsor Information
CFP Board: #1008. CFP Board credits are reported weekly