Shop Courses > Succession Planning Strategies

Succession Planning Strategies#195216

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Course Description

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This is a Beacon Hill Course-in-a-Book™ – self-study CE courses that are based on popular industry books written specifically for financial advisors.

Succession Planning Strategies provides the tools for the practitioner to help business-owner clients who are contemplating retirement address the critical issues with respect to selling or passing on their business, determining the net worth of the business, safeguarding their net worth, addressing tax considerations, and planning for retirement.

Course Information
Open link (above) to view Course Details, Learning Objectives, and Table of Contents.
Course Text:
Your Family Business Your Family Net Worth: Strategies for Succcession Planning by Gary Pittsford® (148 pages, 2015, Advantage).

Course-in-a-Book™ courses include a hardcopy book, study guide, and an online exam.
If you already own the book (or e-Book), you may purchase just the online exam.
The Kindle version of Your Family Business Your Family Net Worth is available for this course from the (ISBN 1599325934).

Field of Study: Financial Planning
Program Level of Complexity: Overview
This course is registered with the CFP Board ( (Course ID #222012).